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Create Deep Healing In Your Life & Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth

Healer, Heal Thyself - Ethereal Alchemy

We are living at such an incredible time on Earth, where it is possible to create a life of abundance & joy. Do you feel that you have such incredible gifts to share with the world, but feel 'stuck' by circumstances in your life, that prevent you from living in absolute joy and living your Truth?

Before we can truly embody our gifts and share these with the world, first we must look within, and heal ourselves and our own inner pain & limitations.


So how do we go about healing ourselves first and foremost, and more importantly, finding the right tools to help us do this?

Let me introduce myself, my name is Andrew and through my spiritual business, Ethereal Alchemy, I help people create deep healing within the body & consciousness, through the ascension modality of Transference Healing®. It was over 7 years ago that I discovered this modality. I always knew there was a bigger picture to life than just working to get by, and dealing with all the usual issues and limitations that can crop up in our lives. Through the years of training and receiving many healings, I started to heal deep seated emotional pain, limiting beliefs and mental conditioning. This then started to open up greater joy, abundance and love within my life and reality.

We all carry emotional and mental pain, either from this lifetime, or others, that can create much suffering and restriction in our lives. Imagine being able to finally access, and start to heal this pain, so that you can once again feel true freedom, love, joy and most importantly, HOPE in your life. Do you know the joy and pure bliss that can be birthed, when you receive a truly Divine healing experience and are touched by the Light?

Frequency Healing & Lightbody

But how do we truly heal? Well it's not just a case of 'thinking positively' to shift our 'baggage'. I'm sure we've all been there and tried that. No, we must delve deeper and have the courage to truly look within and Feel. Transference Healing® is unique in that it doesn't diagnose and treat symptoms, but rather taps in deeply through the etheric body to create a shift through all the energetic bodies. By tapping deeply into this level, true healing can be accessed. So we bypass the rational and conscious mind, to really access the energetic patterning where restriction, negativity and dis-ease are held.

We work with both the DNA and genetic patterning in a healing, which can help to shift long held restrictions and limiting thoughts. But more importantly, Transference Healing® also works with the electromagnetic and Lightbody systems of our Being. As we start to decode the 'old' that no longer serves us, we can then simultaneously start to 'encode' more Light and Love into our Beings. Once again we can start to feel that HOPE and bliss that a deep healing can provide us.

Whether you are completely new to healing & ascension, or already have a spiritual practise or have learnt healing techniques prior, I work with people at all stages of healing and spiritual awakening. Find out how you can accelerate and really embody rapid growth through Transference Healing®, which will completely change your life for the better.

If you are a little curious, and would like to learn more about how this amazing healing modality can really accelerate your inner healing and spiritual growth, then please drop me a line to find out more.

For those wishing to really self empower and transform, I also offer both 1 day workshops and 3 Day Fundamental Training, which is your initiation into this modality of ascension.

I would love to receive a 7th dimensional healing -



Ethereal Alchemy - Transference Healing Practitioner



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Energy Healing Practitioner

Tugun, Gold Coast,

Queensland, 4224

This practice is independently owned and operated by Andrew Grieve (Ethereal Alchemy ABN: 24 297 601 989) under a license from Transference Healing® Pty Ltd  – ACN 121 645 047.

Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.


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