Sacred Glass House Mountains

Blessings to you all at the start of this year, 2018. The energies of this year already feel very different to 2017, so it will be exciting to see what's in store for us all this year.
At the start of each year, my partner, Lily, and I like to take a sacred journey out into nature and attune to the energies we'll be working with in the upcoming year. To support this process, we perform Animal Magic Totem Readings for each other utilizing the Animal Magic Deck from Transference Healing. These readings are a great way to support your spiritual awakening, empowerment and healing process by tapping into the shamanic aspects of the Animals, Elemental and Mythical Beings.
Our day trip started with a 2 hour drive from our local Gold Coast location, up to the Glass House Mountains located on the Sunshine Coast. These mountains hold deep spiritual significance for the Traditional Owners, and if you attune to their energy, you can feel the powerful, ancient memories of this place.
Our day started with a visit to Mt Beerburrum, a section of the park we hadn't visited before. Out of respect for Aboriginal culture, we never climb any of the mountains as their wishes are that the peaks should not be climbed by the general public. We instead are happy just to admire them from the ground and through the various walking tracks at their base.
Next, we discovered an unsealed road that takes you through forest between Mt Beerburrum and Mt Tibrogargan. We discovered a walking track just off the road which looked inviting, but our timing was unfortunate, with it being midday. The summer sun and heat was making walking unbearable, so we retreated to the Glass House Mountains Cafe for a quick bite and amazing views. Once we had finished lunch, the temperature was much more bearable for some mid afternoon hiking.

Coming back to the dirt track we parked the car. Our timing was in sync as I looked at the car clock - 2:22.
Some meanings for 222 include -
'you're on the right track';
'the next step in your path';

So we took this as an auspicious sign, and started the 40min or so walk to the Jack Ferris lookout. This walk takes you through Eucalypt forest with a gradual ascent to the lookout. The walk was worth the effort with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, from Mt Beerwah to Mt Tibrogargan.
This was the perfect secluded location for us to start tuning into the energies, with the lookout to ourselves. But as soon as we settled, the sky started its deep rumblings with thunderstorms slowly moving in from the south. For all those who live in Australia, you know very well that it's not wise to get caught in a thunderstorm!
Leaving it up to Divine Will, we started to attune into the unseen dimensions and Earth grid to facilitate this sacred Totem Reading for each other. As soon as I started the reading for Lily, I knew that we were very protected by the Elementals and that the storm wouldn't touch us. It was also very auspicious that the card she had drawn for the day was Thunderbird, the lightning spirit. We were certainly being visited by this powerful Elemental Being today!

As we channelled the readings for each other the storm continued to close in, with lightning on the distant hills. But trusting in our inner guidance, we stayed and completed the readings with only a few drops of rain greeting us. Once we had finished the readings, as if by magic, the skies cleared with the sun coming out in its full glory as if the looming storm had never been. It was as if the Elementals and other Nature Spirits were putting on a show for our readings.

Our day concluded with an easy downhill stroll back the car, and our sojourn back to the Gold Coast.
These Animal Magic Totem readings are very powerful, and give an indication of the energies you will be working with over the upcoming 6 -12 months. This reading draws 3 cards from the Animal Magic Deck. The reading includes your Female Power Totem, Male Power Totem and Unity Mastership Card (Mythical Being).
To find out more follow this link. If you are intrigued and would like to receive your own Animal Magic Totem reading for the start of 2018, then get in contact with me.
I will be offering readings in January 2018, both in person from Tugun, Gold Coast and also by telephone/skype. This is a powerful reading which can help you understand and work with the Animal/Elemental and Mythical Kingdoms to absorb their wisdom, healing and teachings into your life.
Many blessings, Andrew - Ethereal Alchemy
(Andrew & Lily are Transference Healing practitioners and teachers residing on the Gold Coast. Offering frequency healing and workshops designed to spiritual empower, lift your vibration and align you to the Light realms)